SolPal Products

SolPal Products
Several designs and styles for all ages.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Can Your Child Help Reduce Energy Costs?

The simple answer to the question is YES.  And we all know what simple things kids can do by turning off the light, shutting down their electronics and so on.  However today I want to address one specific area where there is a huge amount of energy consumption by our children.  But before I begin let me through out some interesting facts that will help prove my conclusion.
1.       4,499,200 kids are born each year.  How did I come up with this number?  First the USA population is around 304 Million according to the census.  Also according to the census there is a 14.8% birth rate.  By utilizing some simple math you will come up with the same number.
2.       The average night light utilizes a 9 Watt bulb.
3.       The average night light is used 12 hours a day.

I am sure you can see where I am head by the above information.  So, now let’s calculate the consumption here in the USA:
kWh Average Cost $.13
Total Number of Kids between ages 0-12 are 54 Million
Annual kWh night light usage if all kids had a night light 1.1 Trillion

If we eliminated all power outlet night lights, the country would save $150 Million a year which could be used to power 107,784 homes each year. 

So, kids today can contribute by converting from a power outlet night light to a SolPals Solar Powered Hybrid Night Light.  CLICK HERE to learn more.

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